Exercise Rehabilitation
Following a Stroke, you will benefit from our exercise rehabilitation treatment in many ways. Head To Toe Therapies has experience providing specialist exercise treatment for people following a stroke to enable them to perform everyday tasks more independently and help them to make significant long-term improvements.
Benefits of Stroke Exercise Rehab include:
- Facilitating normal movement patterns
- Improving the activity of the affected side
- Improving functions such as rolling, sitting balance, standing and walking
- Normalising muscle tone
- Improving sensation
- Enhancing muscle strength
- Improving postural stability
- Increasing energy levels
- Reducing pain and stiffness
- Facilitating independence
- Improving the quality of life
I have treated many people following a stroke and am experienced in providing individualised rehabilitation for patients to ensure their best possible recovery. Every person with a stroke is different. Treatment will therefore be tailored to your current symptoms and physical function and may include the following:
- Practising functional activities to improve the movement of the weaker side and promoting independence
- Teaching transfers (getting in and out of wheelchair, bed, car, shower/bath, on and off toilet)
- Muscle stretching to reduce high tone and prevent soft tissue contractures
- Exercises to build muscle strength and stamina and reduce fatigue
- Hands-on treatment to maximise strength and flexibility
- Functional electrical stimulation
Treatment will make everyday tasks easier to achieve by working closely with you, your partner, family or carer. I will guide and support you throughout your rehabilitation to ensure you make the best possible recovery.
For more information on Exercise Rehabilitation for Stroke or to book an appointment, please call 07594 072500 or press the Book Now tab.