Pre-Operative MSK Rehabilitation
In the lead, up to your surgery, your original condition may have caused some secondary issues, such as reduced movement and strength. These issues can slow your recovery post-op, but if they are dealt with before surgery, you will likely recover much quicker. This pre-op treatment gets the body into the best condition possible, allowing a more rapid recovery post-surgery.
Pre-surgical exercise rehabilitation will consist of exercises on how to mobilise, strengthen and increase endurance, post-op advice on how to move in and out of bed and chairs, and instructions on how to use equipment such as crutches or frames. Importantly I will spend time reassuring you about the procedure and reducing any anxieties you may have.

Post Operative Physiotherapy
Your surgeon will advise on how soon Physiotherapy can begin after surgery. Typically, immediate post-operative Physiotherapy is aimed at reducing complications following surgery, such as breathing and circulation exercises and advice, as well as starting to move and strengthen the affected area. Most operations have a protocol to follow, which I can guide you through and progress as appropriate.
Having worked within the NHS, I have many years of experience in pre and post-rehabilitation for patients undergoing Total Knee (TKR), Total Hip (THR), Shoulder, Wrist and Ankle surgery. I have also had MUCH success with ACL rehab for those not having replacement surgery and patients suffering DropFoot/FootDrop.
The Benefits of Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy after surgery should begin immediately in the hospital on your ward. However, once you have been discharged from the hospital, you must continue therapy to achieve the best possible recovery outcomes. Head To Toe Therapies will encourage you to carry out a range of exercises in all planes of motion to help increase mobility, strength and endurance of any affected joints and muscles. This will help improve circulatory or respiratory problems you may have developed in the hospital.
Other benefits include:
- Effective management of your pain
- Help you return to activities of daily living
- Strengthening of weak muscles
- Stretching of muscles that may have become stiff
- Help get you back to the level you were previously
- Improving your posture
- Regain your independence
- Reduce any anxiety that you may have and regain your confidence
- Mobilisation exercises to improve circulation and range of movement
- Help clear any secretions, improve lung volumes and prevent chest infections
- Advise on effective positioning to increase comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores
Who can benefit from Post Surgical Rehabilitation? Anyone who has had surgery and is experiencing pain, stiffness, reduced balance and coordination, muscle weakness, reduced mobility, low exercise tolerance and reduced independence will benefit from a rehabilitation programme once they have been discharged from the hospital. Surgery can have physical and psychological effects that may influence recovery and cause frustration and anxiety. I will carry out a full assessment and work with you to create short and long-term goals to help you to maximise your recovery potential and reduce any secondary problems due to surgery.